Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Little Friend

Her voice wavered as she
cried out to me.
It grabbed me and
 led me across
the smoky threshold.
Pulling my shirt over my
mouth I inched my
way toward her cries.
It was too dark to see
and the wood cracked and hissed .
Relief washed over me as I
reached a room with a
pink sticker on the door
And heard a faint
She sat beneath
The desk and I knelt
and easily lifted
her tiny form.
The way out was hot
And I could feel sweat dripping
As I walked through
And back out
Into a day filled
With sunshine
I passed her to
The paramedics
And drank
And drank
And turned to see
As the roof collapsed.

Today they said my name
and the mother she
stepped forward to hug
As they presented me with
A plaque of honor
“You’re a hero.”
They said in quiet awe.
But I
Can only sit on this stool and
Stare at this drink
And remember her cry
I am no hero
A hero saves a life
And  my little friend,she
died anyway.