Friday, January 15, 2010

Haitian Mama

Sunken into the ground
ruined concrete covers
treasures,trinkets, trash
Surrounded by her belongings
Scattered fragments of
the favorite white teacup with the yellow rose
Lay beside her thigh
She cannot see
them through
imprisoning beams

Spine curved unnaturally upon itself
Bruised arms wrapped tightly
Precious cargo crushed in loving embrace
She holds on to life’s blood
Bearing her breast to infant mouth
Soothing mother and child
As they wait


Anonymous said...

I want to say "nice", but it goes deeper than that.

qmama said...

oh yes, mother and child. trauma and hope. broken world and wholing moment.

Darci said...

Heartbreaking and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Damn Tammy! Shit that's good!