Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Neighborhood Watch

up too late again
I find the end of the day
dawns and
still the keys continue to meet me
in a stiffened husk of
crystallizing flesh

loosened with a whistle
of tea water and steam
opening the envelope of
meaningful discourse
only to find
my neighbors
at rest behind
darkened shades

upon awakening
will the plan
behind authorized posts
be considered for

Monday, May 18, 2009

Strategic Happenstance

Walking along the dark country road, he didn't see that
she was watching.
He pulled off his oily t-shirt and swatted at his back
finally stuffing it into the back pocket of his faded blue jeans
where it would swing as he moved along.
Craning her neck she watched
as he rounded the bend
swallowed up on either side by
the scarred birch trees.

A chance meeting
was not
in the

Friday, May 15, 2009

My car is ready
I can't believe my ears

What? I shouldn't start it
or try to shift the gears?

The seats, you lost them...sure I'll stand up
As long as it still has the holder for my cup

The window is jammed shut, it can't be rolled down
I'll just use air conditioning when I am driving around

The money, I have it. Well its in the bank
What do you mean this is a card that you don't take?

I've been waiting for a month now and exactly 6 days
No not Nationwide, just me who'll pay

Sure I have a check I'll make it out right now
The date on there will have to be a week from now

No, you won't accept it, it has to be today?
Good-bye then, I guess I'll be on my way.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

In the Light of Day

At some point long ago,
she had lost herself.
She could find remnants,
but they were worn down
and threadbare.

Today, she found a clue.

If only she had looked sooner


before the nothingness of blurred vision
bright and blinding
had overcome

before the victim
could interfere
with retrieval

of her glimpse,
her vision of
a woman