Friday, May 15, 2009

My car is ready
I can't believe my ears

What? I shouldn't start it
or try to shift the gears?

The seats, you lost them...sure I'll stand up
As long as it still has the holder for my cup

The window is jammed shut, it can't be rolled down
I'll just use air conditioning when I am driving around

The money, I have it. Well its in the bank
What do you mean this is a card that you don't take?

I've been waiting for a month now and exactly 6 days
No not Nationwide, just me who'll pay

Sure I have a check I'll make it out right now
The date on there will have to be a week from now

No, you won't accept it, it has to be today?
Good-bye then, I guess I'll be on my way.

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